by Ragnvold Thorrson
20 Merry Moon 2012
Ritual Tools |
May is the month of Merry Moon in the Nordic calendar. Merry Moon is devoted to two of the great Nordic Goddesses Frigga, the All-Mother, she the mother figure honored this month - just as we honor our own mothers with Mother's day. Frigga is one of the great Mother Goddesses, patron of the home and married woman. She is Odin's wife, powerful and wise as some would say his match or better. Frigga is the Protectoress and is called upon to protect and ward home, hearth, and kin. She helps maintain social order and watches over women's magics and tasks.
Goði Ragnvold |
The Frigga Blót is specifically a festival to celebrate the warmth and wonder of Spring. This is a time to honor and thank the All-Mother for the health and well-being she has gifted the family and Kindred with, remembering that while individuals may be nearing the completion of their time, death is a natural, healthy conclusion to life, and overall the Community is flourishing. This should be a joyful celebration, filled with love, laughter, and life.
We begin our Blót at sunset. I, the Goði, light the fire to call the tribe. Tonight we will drink mead, at other times we use plum wine or other fruit wines for our rite to Frigga. We call to Thor for his blessing and protection, and then we call to Frigga. We call upon her to bless our halls, or families, and or community. We give thanks to her for her blessings past, present, and future. We end our blót honoring the All-mother with the sharing of mead from the mead-horn, an offering to the Gods and Goddesses, and a blessing for our tribe and community.
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